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Red Letters: Rep Him Right - Pastor Josiah Elias

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Angel Gomez walked up to the microphone and began to tell his story.”I should not be here,” he said. Angel had experienced so much when he was young: abuse, alcohol, drugs and two attempts at suicide, but God…. Several years later Angel saw the man that had molested him and instead of killing him, he forgave him. Angel advised us to “let go of bitterness.”Also he acknowledged that “God works in mysterious ways.” For example, Angel even dressed his dog with sunglasses and a watch, and the dog would sit in the front seat of Angel’s van with his paw out. Because his dog received so much attention, Angel was able to lead seventy nine people to the Lord. He was willing to be used, and Angel’s story can inspire us to willingly serve Him where we frequent.

Our mission is to culture like Christ, and our vision is Jesus. Last week we learned about the

woman who bled for twelve years and Jairus’ twelve year old daughter who died. Jesus healed both, and they testify to His power over debilitating diseases and death. This week we learn of two blind men who yelled, “Son of David, have mercy on us!” Matthew 9:27 (NLT)

These two men called Jesus “Son of David" which is a messianic reference. How they

approached the Messiah made a difference. Likewise how we approach Him reveals our

attitudes. Do we pray to Him and treat Him like a super Santa? Do we call out to Him as the Son of God who was at the creation of the world? Do we honor Him? Let us approach Jesus with awe for what He did and is doing for and with us. Like the healed demoniac in Decapolis who called Jesus “Son of the Most High God” Mark 5:7 (NIV), the blind men acknowledged Jesus’ real identity. Do we know who He really is, and do we approach Him humbly?

The men followed Christ Jesus into the house, and

“Jesus asked them,’Do you believe I can make you see?’

‘Yes, Lord,’ they told him, ’we do.’

Then he touched their eyes and said, ’Because of your faith,

it will happen.’” Matthew 9:28-29 (NLT)

Jesus’ healing the men’s sight fulfilled the prophecy in Isaiah 35:5. “And when he comes, he

will open the eyes of the blind and unplug the ears of the deaf.” (NLT) He opened their

physical and spiritual eyes. As we listen to His word being preached, as we hear testimonies of people like Angel, as we read His Word, as we pray individually and corporately, may our

spiritual eyes be opened to the reality of who Jesus really is, the “Lamb of God who takes

away the sin of the world.” John 1:29 (NKJV)

Then He warned the two healed men, “Don’t tell anyone about this.” Matthew 9:30b (NLT) For Jesus preached the Good News that was countercultural: the first shall be last; be child like- “unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 (NLT); servant leadership. “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash each others’ feet.” John 13:14 (NIV) He did not want the blind men to tell others because they were in Jewish territory, and the Jewish religious leaders opposed Jesus. However, their reaction was natural. The healed men told everyone of the miracle, “and his fame spread all over the region.” Matthew 9:31b (NLT) Just as Angel shared and inspired us, the men who were blind were able to see, and they told their community. We need a community of faith, for faith is contagious. We need people who fortify us. We need people who will hold our arms up during the spiritual battles like Aaron and Hur held Moses’ arms as the Israelites fought against the Amalekites in Exodus 17. However when we do gather, don’t complain together; come pray together. Contend together, and honor the Lord together. Because of the blind men’s faith the break through occurred.

After the men left, a demon possessed man who could not speak was brought to Jesus, who

healed him.

“The crowds were amazed. ‘Nothing like this has ever happened

in Israel!’ they exclaimed.

But the Pharisees said,’He can cast out demons because he is

empowered by the prince of demons.’” Matthew 9:33b-34 (NLT)

Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is attributing to God the work of the devil. The jealous

religious leaders condemned Jesus because they feared their loss of power. ”The only thing

worse than being blind is having sight but no vision,” Helen Keller stated. The religious leaders had no vision, and they denied the transformative power of Jesus. Their criticism drove them to unspeakable evil.

The third event occurred in Nazareth where Jesus grew up. On the Sabbath, Jesus was

teaching in the synagogue. Many listeners were amazed at His knowledge, healings, and

wisdom. However, he had some critics also.

“Then they scoffed, ’He’s just a carpenter, the son of Mary and

the brother of James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon. And his sisters

live right here among us.’ They were deeply offended and refused

to believe in him.

Then Jesus told them, ’A prophet is honored everywhere except in his

hometown and among his relatives and his family.’” Mark 6:3-4 (NLT)

Familiarity can paralyze spiritual recognition if you let it. They knew Jesus for thirty years

and did not acknowledge nor accept His real identity like the healed blind men and demoniac did.

“And because of their unbelief, he couldn’t do any miracles among

them except to place his hand on a few sick people and heal them.

And he was amazed at their unbelief.” Mark 6:5-6 (NLT)

Forgive our faithlessness, and may it not limit the Savior. Instead we need to be wide eyed and sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading.

In contrast to Mark 6 is Matthew 9 where Jesus traveled and taught about the Good News and the Kingdom.

“And he healed every kind of disease and illness.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because

they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

He said to his disciples,’The harvest is great, but the workers are few.

So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send

more workers into his fields.’” Matthew 9:35b-38

“Send out-Grk.ekballo-to send out, to thrust out with force!” We need to contend for Jesus!

The Paramount Point is the harvest is ready for us to-rep Him right. We need to be salt and

light in this troubled world-every place we go, on the highways, in our neighborhoods, at the



11/14 LB sponsored FC and FCLA staff luncheon. Please sign up so we can bless our staff.

12/6 LB Christmas gathering-potluck, singing and interested carolers will go and sing to those

who are home bound.

12/7 Women’s Christmas tea-11:00-1:00. Please register if you can make it.

Submitted by

Larry and Annette Linthicum

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