Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”
I have the privilege of serving as the Pastors Assistant and Events Coordinator here at Faith Chapel. In the middle of all the busyness my life brings with my family and my work I am on constantly on a mission to live in a state of harmony, tranquility and wholeness with God. I’ve discovered that I must be intentional to live in peace. As we dive into today's devotional, I pray it encourages you and draws you closer to God and incredible peace.
God knew that when I began this job at the church, He needed to ease me into this slowly. It honestly just makes me laugh because He is such a good Father and He knows what’s best for each of His children. I can honestly say that I love my job. It is such a blessing to me. However, it does keep me busy, really busy! I’ve had to learn the balance of family, church, work & friends. This balance has to be intertwined with God guidance because if it’s not, the peace I need will evaporate and I cannot function if I am not at peace.
He tells us through the Apostle Paul in:
Philippians 4:6-7
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Do not underestimate Gods role in your day to day busyness. When you are waking up in the morning and you are thinking of all the many tasks and things you have to do that day, learn to give that to God. Bring the Person of peace Himself into your busyness. He’ll provide a supernatural strength that will blow your mind. I lean on that strength all the time.
When I get up in the morning I pray “Papa thank You for another day of life, Lord give me supernatural strength today, help me with my children and Lord help me at work, Amen.” By simply inviting Him in your day to day tasks, as if He is truly right there with you provides a degree of strength, peace and favor unavailable without Him. Take Him with you everywhere because the truth is He lives within you.
Practically it can look like this: next time you’re driving and you see any ambulance, fire truck, police officer, car accident, etc., do what I do and stop whatever I’m doing and immediately pray to the God who is right there with me. “LORD BE WITH THEM.” This is how I am able to maintain peace by knowing I am, in the moment, giving every burdensome moment or anxious situation all to Him no matter how big or small it may be. He provides the peace and supernaturally strengthens me in the moment! I feel it all the time and you will too no matter how busy you are. We all know what it’s like to have everything under control and other weeks where everything feels chaotic and out of control. He’ll meet you wherever you’re at on the spectrum.
It’s important to find the consistency of rest, and stopping to make sure you are filling up your cup with God and keeping the peace no matter the circumstance you’re facing. One story in the Bible that has always stood out to me is when Mary and Martha had welcomed Jesus into their home. When Jesus arrived Martha didn’t spend much time with Him because she was so busy serving and working and doing chores. But Marthas sister, Mary, sat at Jesus’ feet and listened to everything He had to say. Martha had let stress, worry and her responsibilities distract her from spending time with Jesus. But Mary knew that peace only comes from sitting at the feet of Jesus. When we spend time with Jesus we can find His peace, too.
Jesus said to Martha: Luke 10:42 (NIV) but few things are needed--or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”
Jesus wasn’t ungrateful for Martha’s busyness, her heart was good. Still, Mary chose what was better. Should we work for peace or work with peace? I suggest, learn to work with peace! Mary found that key.
Another important component to peace is learning to rest and to fill your cup. Some of the ways I fill my cup is by spending quality time with my family or writing in my planner and journal. I enjoy going on drives with my family, coloring and hanging out with my friends. These activities help me rest in a spirit of peace.
Engagement: Take a moment to reflect and answer this question, what fills my cup? What are the things that bring you true rest and refreshment?
Make a list of five things that helped restore your heart and mind. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Hang out with your besties over a delicious snack or drink
Watch a wholesome movie
Play a game with your kids or closest friends
Go to the gym
Play your favorite sport
What would be on your list? Take some time today to think about it and be intentional about making space for rest in your life. It’ll fill up your practical cup in ways that God definitely encourages.
Now that the practical is nailed down, close your eyes and envision something you have to do later today. What does it look like to bring the Person of peace with you into that busyness? Imagine what it looks like for Him to be with you then grocery store, at work, getting gas, driving, brushing your teeth, cooking meals — EVERYTHING! Make no mistake about it.
Jennifer Segura