"If we’re only seeking encounters, with no intention of inheriting greater purpose from those encounters, then we’re no different from a magic show. We'd become those who attend for the spectacle. To be stimulated and entertained. But we would never leave with something substantial growing inside of us. We would never leave truly changed for a purpose. I believe encounters with God are meant to reveal Himself in a greater degree so that we can walk away with truly transformed for the greater things He has in store for us. We learn so much from the Scriptures about our King. Never forget that these were men and women who encountered God and then, out of obedience, turned the world upside down all around them. Their encounter produced something in them the world needed for itself."
- Pastor Josiah Elias

I’m very excited that we’re bringing back our Wednesday night programming called, “Midweek Encounter”. Faith Chapel had Midweek programming for many years leading up to Covid but after the pandemic, it just never came back. Bringing back this Midweek time of ministry to all ages was something the Lord had impressed on my heart for quite some time.
One key ingredient I knew we needed was to have a strong discipleship curriculum for our kids. Under Pastor Michel’s leadership along with his remarkable team, this is underway!
During this Midweek programming we'll be able to provide a plan of growth for people of all ages, elementary school students through our eldest members.
In the sanctuary, we’ll have a time of worship together each week beginning at 6:30pm. Everybody is welcome! Keep in mind that worshipping the Lord is central to what we do. We don’t worship because we have to, we worship because we’re in love! It’s an honor to come before the King we adore and bring a sacrifice of praise and honor due His name as often as we gather. After our time of worship we’ll have a time in the Word and opportunity for Body ministry. We're so blessed to have many gifted ministers here at Faith Chapel and Pastor Josiah's desire is that we would hear from them often as well as from himself regularly.
There’s a reason I’ve chosen the name, “Midweek Encounter” for our Wednesday night programming. I’ve preached multiple times on the value of an encounter with the Lord. I want us to have a culture of encounters with God where we seek after Him knowing that if we seek Him with all our hearts, we’ll indeed find Him.
I believe He’ll heal the sick in our midst, fill people with His Spirit, teach us to operate in the Gifts of the Spirit, deliver those who need deliverance, instruct us in the ways of the Kingdom and save those who are lost! Furthermore, I’m believing for this to happen all across our campus in all areas of ministry.
If you’re hungry to go deeper in the things of God, these Midweek Encounter gatherings will be for you. I encourage you to come prepared to be challenged to expand your horizons and understanding concerning the things of God as we as a church family create a culture honoring the presence of the Lord and all He desires to do in our midst.
Here we go!
A message from our Pastor concerning Midweek Encounter: