Faith Chapel's Food Distributions
Who: Everybody is available to pick up this food regardless of where you live
What: Food distribution. A variety of delicious food
When: See the calendar below for 2023
Where: Faith Chapel's Main Campus
Why: We love our community, and this is just one of the ways we can take care of it

We know that we cannot minister to the greater spiritual need of an individual if the present physical need is not met. Meet The Need endeavors to meet the physical and the spiritual need.
We're currently hosting food distributions every 1st & 3rd Monday of the month at 10:00am here in the Faith Chapel main parking lot. We've partnered with Feeding San Diego in hopes to greater impact this community and we're grateful for their organization.
We also have a boutique open to be shopped at during these distribution times. Everything in our boutique is FREE and available to any guests that come through. You can find everything from clothes to household furnishings, kitchenware, toys etc. Through our efforts and by partnering with other local ministries and organizations thousands of these items and countless pounds of food have found their ways into homes here in San Diego, Mexico and to different states where we discovered a need and an avenue to meet it.
Come check it out first chance you get!
If you'd like to serve at these distributions simply click this link.